It was a watershed, between “What if” and “Let’s do it”, between a dream and the reality.
A real milestone for Fenix Racing.
Back in the days, I was a “fan” of the Gear Diff: easy to set, true in the traction, great on the brake.
But it was somehow forgot in the modern days.
During an ETS, my teammate Matteo Berlincioni told me: I lack of “boost” out of the turns.
That request, was the spark for the Fenix Gear Diff.
Pain and love where the basic ingredients in the development, we went through a number of prototypes and idea, some of them never become more than a CAD file.
In September 2015 we took the courage and the bravery to bring the idea to the public, in a static way.

At the Swiss Master 2016, the most promising idea hit the track in a public way.
And despite being a Nylon powder printed 3d model, it withstand the use and abuse of a 2 day carpet race.

By the begin of April, the cat was out the bag:
The Fenix Gear Diff become available to the public!

All good? Well…. sort of… Someone was upset to having it used at ETS races.
And we need to have an ETS tech meeting, with all the other manufacturers and ETS management, to see a “Go” and have it approved!

All good now? Yes!
From that point on, the Fenix Gear Diff brings in a lot of great results and satisfaction to Fenix.
Despite not being an idea completely all new, but a “simple” actualization of an old concept, the market show a great interest in it.
Of course… it helps a lot of drivers to a lot superb results.

From any track of the planet we got nothing but great feedback.
And how about play some serious game?
How about use a Fenix Gear Diff with a 2S – 4.5 Pancar? No problem, Fenix Gear Diff can held some really serious abuse…. Best of all? the mechanics are common to all the versions…. so if held a 4.5 – 2S, will held pretty much any motor you’ll use.

Was a great moment, and still is.
Even in this 2020 crazy season, the Fenix Gear Diff is still proven that is probably the most serious hardware in the department.
The Fenix Gear Diff was used by Paolo Bottignol to win the UISP Nationals

I must say a personal “Thank you” to all driver that choose our Fenix Gear Diff.