Mistral 2.0
Let’s talk a bit about her…
Roughly at the mid of November 2018 we start to talk about a new Mistral.
“We” is the usual Fenix Think Tank… Roman Pichler (fastest retired driver on the Earth), Matteo Berlincioni, Giacomo Moretti, Andi Frattaroli and myself.
Mistral 2017 was still our weapon. Some driver find the front end “too complex”, so the plan was to switch to something more easier.
Some points were somehow clear:
- Stay away from the mass market “double carbon front arm”.
- ETS has bring into the equation the Volante tires, and we found that a longer wheelbase was a beneficial point.
In the corner, of my overcrowded desk, there was the G56 mule… “Smiling”….
So, I went to the CAD and start to “formulize” the G56.
V-link at the rear and “pancar” style front end… worth to try.
Pancar front end is rather easy to set and very effective and V-link was giving some positive feedback with G56
280mm long wheel base, as raced with Volante, in the last ETS season.
By the mid of January 2019 the drawings for the prototype were ready… Then a voice said… “Can we test it at the Swiss Master…. “
Great Idea… Shame it’s the first weekend of February…. Less than one month.
Nevertheless, it was a chance not to be missed, being the “Swiss Master” one of the largest carpet race in South Europe.
Saturday 2 February, the very first Mistral 2.0 was finished on Roman’s workbench at the track… Andi was racing Mistral hybrid, with the rear of the Mistral 2017 and the front of the 2.0, the rest of the guys were on their usual Mistrals

To make a long story short, the “fastest retired driver” Roman Pichler, put his Mistral 2.0 prototype in the A- main and close the race at 6th place.
Not too bad… was the only carbon fiber chassis in the the A-main… in a carpet race.
But… there was no time to waste… the prototype goes to Matteo Berlincioni, as the ETS was the very next weekend…
ETS #2… Daun, the biggest indoor ETS race.
Well, it was a strange race… 2 Fenix… and “Cowabunga!!!!”, Matteo Berlincioni put the Prototype in the A-main…
Then something strange happens… A lot of people comes to see “that strange car”.

Back from the ETS, was the time for some homework… and the very first batch of Mistral 2.0 was made.
So, we went to ETS #3 in “Supposely Sunny” Spain, where we’ve to race into one of the most freezing and raining weekend I can recall…
Not bad either….

Only strange thing… We got some enquiry over the legality of Mistral 2.0…
A bit puzzling for me, as it was verified by SRCCA at the Swiss Master, it was ok at ETS rd2 and I was perfectly sure of the job we’ve done…
By ETS #4 all the doubt were clarified

In the meantime Mistral 2.0 becomes available to the public…
And one of the most exciting season begin…
2018/2019 ETS comes to the “end” and we, as team and personal results, we score the best ranking ever.

Meanwhile… Mistral 2.0 prove to be a formidable weapon with different drivers, giving us one of the most exciting season ever.
ACI Nationals was raced in the “Gara dei Costruttori” serie. In the last race was Alberto Riboni that took the cherry, giving to his team mate Simone Pavanello the National title.

In February 2020, at the F1 Circuit in Monza, during one of the coolest award ceremony ever seen, Simone Pavanello was crowned ACI Italian Champion.

Even in this crazy 2020…
The Charity Race is not a race. Charity Race is “The Race” in Italy.
The race where you have to be and you want to be.
First, because the reasons behind the race are very worthy: every Euro raised by the race fee and sponsor raffle is donated to the children Hospital.
Second, for the same reason, is calling drivers from all Italy and Europe, for instance: Marc Rheinard and Ronald Volker were there as usual.
So a good result here, is worth twice to us.

2020 UISP Italian Champ Paolo Bottignol

When we introduced Mistral 2.0, we said: Different…. This is the very least we can say over our new F1 model. Nothing in the market is comparable with the new Mistral 2.0
Mistral 2.0: Dare to be different